Script SQL Server

Convert from multiple to one line result

SELECT STUFF( (SELECT ',' + Semesters FROM table t1 FOR XML PATH ('')) , 1, 1, '') AS Semesters from table t2

JSON_VALUE() Examples in SQL Server (T-SQL)

When using JSON with SQL Server, you can use the JSON_VALUE() function to return a scalar value from a JSON string. To use this function, you provide two arguments; the JSON expression, and the property to extract.   Syntax The syntax goes like this: JSON_VALUE ( expression ,...

Global Database level Trigger Audit

--//========================================================================================= --// Create a Repository --//=========================================================================================   SET ANSI_NULLS ON GO   SET QUOTED_IDENTIFIER...

Function to save the URL in table format dbo.fn_ReadURL

  Select * from dbo.fn_ReadURL('types=utility&yearfrom=2002&locations=wellington%2cchristchurch%2cdunedin&pricefrom=5000&priceto=15000') where Field = 'types'     create or alter function dbo.fn_ReadURL (@FieldBase varchar(max)) Returns @tbReturn...

Gather SQL Database Transactions Per Minute for Data Analysis

--================================================== -- Create the Table --================================================== CREATE TABLE [dbo].[DatabaseTPM]( [DatabaseTPMID] [bigint] IDENTITY(1,1) NOT NULL, DatabaseTPMDateID int, DatabaseTPMDateHour int, DatabaseTPMDateMinute int...

Function to Read a String / JSON XML

  select TDW.dbo.fn_ReadXML('<BasicColour xmlns="https://localhost/Schema/CdiCommonTypes">WHITE</BasicColour>', '<BasicColour xmlns="https://localhost/Schema/CdiCommonTypes">', '</BasicColour>')   create or alter function dbo.fn_ReadXML (@FieldBase...

Reading XML in SQL (Attributes)

Reads the XML attributes: =================================================================== DECLARE @idoc int, @doc varchar(1000);   SET @doc ='<ISKeyValueList version="1.00"><Item type="varchar(20)" key="VehicleSecurityPending">false</Item><Item type="Integer"...

Parse and Transform JSON Data with OPENJSON (SQL Server)

Option 1 - OPENJSON with the default output     --//T-SQL Code Example 01  --============================================= DECLARE @json NVARCHAR(MAX) SET @json='{"name":"John","surname":"Doe","age":45,"skills":["SQL","C#","MVC"]}'; SELECT * FROM OPENJSON(@json); Option 2 -...

How improve the performance in SQL? Identifying and fixing the missing indexes - Part 01

This is the first session to show up how you can identify the missing indexes on your project. First of all, I've developed a new temporary table for tests:  --// Create a temporary table --============================================================ Create table tbLabIndexMissing(id int,...

List the Missing Backups

USE [DBA] GO     SET ANSI_NULLS ON GO   SET QUOTED_IDENTIFIER ON GO     create   view [dbo].[vwServerBackup] as With backupBase  As (    Select     From msdb..backupmediafamily...

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