Script Oracle
Identify if the columns are being used
with atc as (select column_id, column_name, 'c.' || column_name as alias, data_type, owner || '.' || table_name as tbl
from all_tab_columns
where table_name = 'S_CONTACT' and owner = 'SIEBEL'
and column_name not in ('CREATED_BY',...
Oracle LONG data type conversion to VARCHAR2
This function will help to convert LONG data type to VARCHAR2 and sort out ETL issues:
create or replace function get_long(p_tname in varchar2,p_cname in varchar2, p_rowid in rowid)
return varchar2
How to Restore Oracle Database using RMAN (with Examples)
As a Linux sysadmin, you might recover a system from backup, which may include Oracle Database.
So, it is essential for all admins to understand how to restore oracle database from backup.
Typically, DBAs will use Oracle RMAN utility to take a hot backup of the database.
This tutorial provides an...
Update in Oracle with Join and Multiples tables
SQL> update (select ename, dname
from emp e, dept d
where e.deptno = d.deptno
and empno = 7788)
set ename = 'X', dname = 'Y'
Identify Oracle Version from your server
ORA-00845: MEMORY_TARGET error installing Oracle XE on Mint and Ubuntu
As you are probably aware, Mint is based on Ubuntu. No doubt you are also aware that from 11.10, Ubuntu changed the way systemd worked.
You didn’t know that ? No, I must confess that it passed me by as well.
Anyway, the upshot of this is that, without getting too technical, they’ve moved stuff...
Installing Oracle 11G on Linux Ubuntu
First of all you have to install these packages:
Install the required software packages:
sudo apt-get install libaio1
sudo apt-get install libaio-dev
sudo apt-get install unixODBC
sudo apt-get install unixODBC-dev
sudo apt-get install expat
sudo apt-get install...
Fix the error on VM Oracle with machine that has vt-xamd-v-hardware-acceleration option
To sort it out, follow this procedure:
Today's tip lists the most common causes of VirtualBox's dread "VT-x/AMD-V hardware acceleration is not available on your system" error. This error generally makes an appearance during OS installs to a machine, or shortly after starting a new VM the...
Oracle Editor - Show Procedure / Package Details
select * from all_objects where object_type = 'PROCEDURE' AND OWNER = 'OWNER_NAME' select * from all_objects where OWNER = 'OWNER_NAME' ORDER BY 2SELECT TEXT FROM USER_SOURCE WHERE NAME = 'PROCEDURE_NAME' ORDER BY Line;
SQLPLUS Straight connection
Use this command to log in with SQL plus:sqlplus {username}/{password}@//{ip}:{port}/{SID}sample:sqlplus test_username/test_password@//