DBT Cloud Set Up
Generate a new Key for DBT in a terminal (You can do this in the DBT container if you don’t have OpenSSL installed locally). This will require you to set a password in the first command and then repeat it for the second command.
openssl genrsa 2048 | openssl pkcs8 -topk8 -inform PEM -out snowflake_key.p8 openssl rsa -in snowflake_key.p8 -pubout -out snowflake_key.pub
Upload public key to snowflake
Log in to snowflake as accountadmin. Replace the command below with your username and your the key in your pub key file. Do not include the begin and end lines here just the contents in between.
alter user "<USER.NAME>@DOMAIN.COM" set rsa_public_key='<Your Key goes here>';
Create a connection for snowflake in DBT cloud
Log in to DBT cloud and go to the analytics project. Change your authentication type to key pair and add your private key (From the p8 file). This needs to be the whole key file including the beginning and end tags.