Linear Regression in R

First of all, I had installed RStudio, this is the link for download:


Once we have installed RStudio, load the script below:




--// R script



# Linear Regression predicts linear relationship between two variables
# Set path to Desktop
download.file(url = ''
              , destfile = 'linear.csv')
rawData=read.csv("linear.csv", header=T)
# Show first n entries of data.frame, notice NA values
head(rawData, 10)
linModel <- lm(y~x, data = rawData)
# Show attributes of linModel
# To show what happens with na.action, "omit" since data has NA
# Show coefficients of model
# Predicting New Value based on our model
predict(linModel, data.frame(x = 3))
plot(y ~ x, data = rawData,
     xlab = "This labels the x axis",
     ylab = "This labels the y axis",
     main = "Scatter Plot"
abline(linModel, col = "red", lwd = 3)
R is very simple to execute and work on it, you need to select the command or execute all.
On the line (but execute all the commands before as well):
plot(y ~ x, data = rawData,
     xlab = "This labels the x axis",
     ylab = "This labels the y axis",
     main = "Scatter Plot"
You can see this output - Scatter Plot chart: 
Also, you can include a trend line by this code:
abline(linModel, col = "red", lwd = 3)