gedit = edit file
ls = list of folders
ls -l file = list of permission of file
cd / = navigation between folders
pwd = show up the three of path
chmod 777 file = full access
chmod 777 file = execute as administrator (the password will be required)
chmod -R 777 teste (folder test and sub-folders)
ip addr show = show the ip address from LAN network
ifconfig eth0 / ifconfig ' grep addr = show the ip address from LAN network
sudo apt-get install package_name = install a package
sudo dpkg-reconfigure locales = Reconfigure the ODBC locales
bash install --force = Install
find . -name "*.php" = find for a file name
cp picture.jpg picture-02.jpg = copy the file
cp -Rvfp /tmp/teste/* /root/backup = copy the folder and sub-folders
tar -xzvf arquivo.tar.gz
nano = editor
rm -rf {R-2.15.3,node-v0.10.2}{,.tar.gz} = delete
df -h = show details about disk space
mv old_folder new_folder = rename
mv /old_folder /new_folder = move