Trigger SSRS Subscriptions Manually

12/05/2017 16:42





FROM ReportSchedule
WHERE (SubscriptionID = '04109b04-aaaa-bbbb-cccc-fe271bde49a4')



EXEC ReportServer.dbo.AddEvent @EventType='TimedSubscription', 


  1. Within the Report Manager, browse to edit page of the subscription you would like to manually trigger
  2. Locate the SubscriptionID GUID in the address bar
  3. Open SQL Server Management Studio (SSMS) and connect to the server with the ReportServer Database
  4. Run the query below replacing the SubscriptionID with what you found in step 3
  5. Manually execute the subscription without modifying the schedule with the query below, be sure to replace the EventData parameter with the ScheduleID returned in step 4.

Want to dig a bit deeper? Starting with these tables will give you a head start.

ReportSchedule – Relationships between Schedules, Reports and Subscriptions
Schedule – Details of all schedules
Subscriptions – Subscription details including owners, last run status, parameters, etc.
Users – Ties the Owner’s GUID to a username