Aprender - F# - Learning a new language
06/01/2016 19:28
This is free and good way to study F#:
// Sample 01 -- Calling function by function
let chrisTest test =
test "Chris"
let isMe x =
if x = "Chris" then
"it is Chris!"
"it's someone else"
chrisTest isMe
printfn "%s" (isMe "Chris")
// Sample 02 -- Calling function by function
let twoTest test =
test 2
twoTest (fun x -> x > 0)
type MushroomColor =
| Brown
| Green
| Purple
| Yellow
type PowerUp =
| FireFlower
| Mushroom of MushroomColor
| Star of int
let myMushroomColors = [ Green; Green; Brown; Green; Purple; Yellow; Brown ]
let mushroomProcessor mushroomColors =
|> List.iter (fun mush ->
match mush with
| Brown -> printfn "I'm a red"
| Green | Purple | Yellow -> printfn "I'm a not red" )
mushroomProcessor myMushroomColors
let myMushroomColorsString = [ "Green"; "Green"; "Brown"; "Green"; "Purple"; "Yellow" ]
let mushroomProcessorS mushroomColorsString =
|> List.iter (fun mush ->
if mush = "Red" then
printfn "I'm a red"
printfn "I'm a not red")
mushroomProcessorS myMushroomColorsString
// Sample 01 -- Everything in F# is "immutable" (read only)
let varX = "Test1"
printfn "Result: %s" (if varX = "Test1" then "Test2" else "")
//printfn "Result (using match): %s" (match varX with | "Test1" -> "Test2" | _ -> "")
printfn "Result (using match): %s" (
match varX with
| "Test1" -> "Test2"
| _ -> "")
let z =
if varX = "Test1" then
//if varX = "Test1" then
// "Test2"
// ""
//|> printfn "Result: %s"
// Get out clause but don't use this! Not good practice
let mutable varX1 = "Test1"
let z1 =
if varX = "Test1" then
varX1 <- "Test2"
varX1 <- ""
printfn "Result: %s" varX1