Data Science

Change Tracking Example -SQL Server

Following are the step by step instructions to enable and use the change tracking feature in SQL Server. If there is a requirement to get incremental or changed data from database frequently without putting a heavy load on database objects, then Change Tracking mechanism of SQL Server...

DW Loading dashboard control in PowerBI and Report Services

It has built in PowerBI, using PB Gateway for updating data, accessed by APS through the mobile:   DW Loading Dashboard Chart by DW Loading vs Affected rows DW Loading Dashboard KPI’s by DW Loading Accuracy DW Loading Dashboard - Last TDW Loading DW Loading Dashboard - KPI’s DW...

Autocomplete with ElasticSearch and JQuery and Python

  This is an example using ElasticSearch with JQuery and Python, I built that concept using synonyms in Windows. Thanks to my friend Ricardo for your support ;)  The challenge was to build a solution that would be able to search by a word to return the synonyms like that:   To...

SQL Performance in PowerBI Real-Time

Yes, it's a SQL Performance Monitoring in Real-Time, developed in Power BI, Json, C#, T-SQL, RestAPI and CLR. It has been building to show up the health performance environments:   Web Version:   Through the Power BI Apps, we can access the indicators online for SQL...

R Syntax (dplyr) - Working as a TSQL language

  Introduction to dplyr 2016-06-23 When working with data you must: Figure out what you want to do. Describe those tasks in the form of a computer program. Execute the program. The dplyr package makes these steps fast and easy: By constraining your options, it simplifies...

Microsoft ratchets up its R enthusiasm

   remain pleasantly surprised at Microsoft's enthusiasm for adding R to its analytics ecosystem (and not [at least yet] fulfilling suspicions its end game is to fork a version of R that is semi-proprietary). Today offered another example, with an R for the Masses with Power BI webinar...

Connection R Studio with different Sources: TXT from Local or Internet, SPSS, Relational Databases, Non-Relational Databases, XML..

For further information:

How to do to install Curl in Ubuntu

In Ubuntu command line execute:sudo apt-get install php5-curl

Como instalar Java em Linux Ubuntu

Como instalar o Java no Ubuntu com apt-getDecember  3, 2014               IntroduçãoComo uma grande quantidade de artigos e programas necessitam ter o Java instalado, este artigo irá guiá-lo através do processo de instalação e...

Importing Data Into R from Different Sources

Interesting article explaning who to do to interact R with souces like Cassandra, NoSQL, XML...Source:

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Script SQL

Backup Simples de Múltiplos Datafiles

27/06/2014 16:49
  Este exemplo gera backup em múltiplos arquivos de backup   BACKUP DATABASE [CUSTO] TO   DISK = N'N:\MSSQL2005\BACKUP\CUSTO\CUSTO_1_4.bak', DISK = N'N:\MSSQL2005\BACKUP\CUSTO\CUSTO_2_4.bak', DISK = N'N:\MSSQL2005\BACKUP\CUSTO\CUSTO_3_4.bak', DISK =...

Restore de Múltiplos Datafiles

26/06/2014 19:45
  Este script torna indisponível o banco, realiza o restore de múltiplos datafiles e ativa todos os logins existentes nele.     USE [master] GO ALTER DATABASE [CUSTO_PRE_PROD] SET  RESTRICTED_USER WITH ROLLBACK IMMEDIATE GO   RESTORE DATABASE...

Gere o resultado de uma query em uma linha única separado por string TSQL

20/06/2014 13:59
  Este script mostra como gerar um resultado único separado por "|" pipe, substitua a tabela temporária pela sua tabela de trabalho e referencie a coluna correta:     Query Exemplo (Base): ======================= SELECT      ...

Pesquisar via TSQL ignorando acentuação

17/06/2014 17:07
  Segue exemplo para  pesquisar ignorando acentuação: SELECT nome FROM (select 'Carlão' as Nome) X WHERE nome LIKE 'Carlao%' COLLATE SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AI    

Verifica os últimos status dos Jobs - SQL Server

16/06/2014 10:54
  Este script é utilizado para informar o último status de execução de um    USE msdb GO /* Consulta que informa o status da ultima execução de cada job Esta deve ser executada diáriamente */ SELECT Name,  CONVERT(DATETIME, MAX(lastrun)) AS [LastRun], CASE...