
SaaS Churn Rate: What’s Acceptable?

05/08/2016 18:14
In line with my experience and as I cited in my article, Bessemer Venture Partners says an acceptable churn rate is in the 5 – 7% range ANNUALLY, depending upon whether you measure customers or revenue.   Further:

Exemplos de aplicações de data mining no mercado

05/08/2016 18:11
Os constantes avanços na área da Tecnologia da Informação têm viabilizado o armazenamento de grandes bases de dados, de forma heterogênea e distribuída. Essas bases são de diversas naturezas, tais como administrativa, científica, comercial, educacional, governamental e social, entre outras....

BI Solution - Yellowfin

05/08/2016 18:01
Online and easygoing interface 

How to Use Microsoft SQL Server 2012's Window Functions

05/08/2016 17:58
SQL Server 2012 (formerly code-named SQL Server Denali) introduces several important T-SQL programmability features; this article focuses on one of those features—window functions. SQL Server 2005 was the first milestone in supporting window functions; it introduced window ranking functions...

Entendendo BDD com Cucumber

05/08/2016 17:56
Este é o meu primeiro post sobre BDD e Cucumber. Nesse primeiro post não vamos ver nada de automação nem cucumber, mas entender um pouco do contexto que estamos vivendo em teste de software e como são escritos testes no mundo ágil. Vamos entender o conceito de Critério de Aceite e como eles são...

Introdução ao desenvolvimento guiado por teste (TDD) com JUnit

05/08/2016 17:55
Veja neste artigo como funciona o TDD (Test Driven Develpment), ou Desenvolvimento Guiado por Testes. Serão apresentados, além dos conceitos fundamentais do TDD, implementações práticas na linguagem Java utilizando o framework...

Linking a Cell to a Text Box in Excel 2010

05/08/2016 17:42
    Microsoft Excel has a functionality where we can link a textbox to a specific cell. If we change the data in the cell, the value of the linked cell gets updated automatically. Below are the following steps to link a cell to a text box: 1. Open Excel 2. Click on the Insert...

Microsoft Dynamics CRM and Data Mining

05/08/2016 17:35
To handle the CRM data is not a can of worms.Extract your data. Since we may need to combine the transactional data with some additional data, plus also data analysis can have a large performance impact on your CRM system, the data is usually extracted and put in a Data Mart or Data Warehouse. This...

Cosmopolitan Driver RDBMS Storage Plugin in Java - Query JOSON

04/03/2016 23:12
Apache Drill looks very interesting and powerful.       Means no more linked servers and the queries scale well! Just think you could combine data from Elastic Search, SQL Server, CSV files, JSON REST...

Spark Or Hadoop -- Which Is The Best Big Data Framework?

04/03/2016 23:06
One question I get asked a lot by my clients is: Should we go for Hadoop or Spark as our big data framework? Spark has overtaken Hadoop as the most active open source Big Data project. While they are not directly comparable products, they both have many of the same uses. To shed some light onto the...
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